PICKUP was created by a group of friends who were tired of feeling lethargic and unmotivated throughout their long workdays.

They started experimenting with different natural ingredients, such as green tea extract and guarana, and eventually came up with a formula that not only provided a long-lasting energy boost, but also tasted great.

PICKUP was created with sustainability in mind. As the brand grew, PICKUP became more than just an energy drink - it was a lifestyle. The brand became synonymous with productivity, drive, and determination. Athletes, businesspeople, and students alike relied on PICKUP to power them through their days.

PICKUP continues to provide a natural, sustainable, and effective energy boost to all those who need it. It's more than just a drink - it's a symbol of to the fullest sport life and never settling for less.
PICKUP was created by a group of friends who were tired of feeling lethargic and unmotivated throughout their long workdays.

They started experimenting with different natural ingredients, such as green tea extract and guarana, and eventually came up with a formula that not only provided a long-lasting energy boost, but also tasted great.

PICKUP was created with sustainability in mind. As the brand grew, PICKUP became more than just an energy drink - it was a lifestyle. The brand became synonymous with productivity, drive, and determination. Athletes, businesspeople, and students alike relied on PICKUP to power them through their days.

PICKUP continues to provide a natural, sustainable, and effective energy boost to all those who need it. It's more than just a drink - it's a symbol of to the fullest sport life and never settling for less.